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Golden Ticket


2-7 players

60 min

From €10 per person

Book now
Golden Ticket - Image 105

Villy's trustfull helpers, the amazing Woomba Woompa, left permanently the chocolate factory leaving behind them dozens of loose ends.

Since Villy always has trusted them, he shared with them his secret recipe. Before leaving the factory, the helpers secretly hide his recipe and Villy can't find it. You are of the greatest chocolate worshipers and Villy's chosen ones to look for the recipe. Each of you has won a Golden Ticket that assures your entrance into the best known chocolate factory. Will you deliver the mission? The destiny of the greatest chocolate factory is in your hands!

For bookings out of the timetable you can call us on +302310476004

Select number of players

More players - less cost

From €15 Per person

From €14 Per person

From €12 Per person

From €11 Per person

From €10 Per person

From €10 Per person

Choose Date & Time

Wed, 18-Sep
Thu, 19-Sep
Fri, 20-Sep
Sat, 21-Sep
Sun, 22-Sep
Mon, 23-Sep
Tue, 24-Sep

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Patient 67


2-7 players

70 min

In Time


2-7 players

60 min



2-7 players

75 min